Summer Window

The block for June 2005 is the "Summer Window" block

Each finished block measures 8 inches square.  (8 ½ X 8 ½ inches unfinished)  

:  Use good quality, 100% cotton pre-washed fabrics.           


1.          cut novelty fabric        
2.           cut lighter fabrics

3.           cut darker fabric

4.              piece corner unit

5.            piece side units

6.       assemble block

7.             finished block


Find a large-print novelty print fabric and two different coordinating fabrics that are solid, "looks like solid," or small print.  One should be noticably lighter than the other.

Cutting instructions:

    1.   From the novelty fabric, cut one 6 1/2-inch square.

    2.   From the lighter fabric, cut two 6 1/2 by 1 1/2-inch strips and two 1 1/2-inch squares.. 

    3.   From the darker fabric, also cut two 6 1/2 by 1 1/2-inch strips and two 1 1/2-inch squares..

Piecing instructions:

    4.   With right sides together and using a 1/4-inch seam allowance, sew one of  the lighter squares to one of the darker squares.  (Refer to graphic 4)  Press to the darker side.  Repeat with the other two squares.  Then sew these pairs into one square unit.  Pin at the intersection to ensure precise points.

5.   Sew each of the lighter longs strips to a darker strip.  Press to the darker side.


Assembly instructions:


6.   Referring to the layout in graphic 6, piece the units together into a finished block.  Note, try switching the lighter and darker fabrics next to the novelty square to see which layout looks best with your fabric.  It may look better opposite from what my example shows.  Sew the rows together, then combine the rows to finish the block

Your completed unfinished block will measure 8 ½ inches.
8 inches after sewn into a quilt!




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