December 2001's block is the Amish Star

This block measures 12 inches square.  (12 ½ inches unfinished).
It was done using the basic black and jewel tones.  

Instructions:  Use good quality, 100% cotton pre-washed fabrics.










    First, choose a solid  black material for the background.  Then choose a bright jewel-tone fabric that "looks like solid" from a distance. (i.e. ruby red, emerald green, turqoise, sapphire blue, amathyst purple, etc.).  Finally, for the unifying fabric, choose a bright, solid-looking gold.

    Cutting instructions:

    1. From the jewel-tone fabric, cut one 4 1/2 inch square for the center,
        four 4 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch rectangles, and four 2 7/8 inch squares.
        Cut the small squares in half diaginally to form 8 half-square triangles.

    2. From the black fabric, cut four 4 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch rectangles,
        four 2 7/8 inch squares, and eight 2 1/2 inch squares.
        Cut the 2 7/8 inch squares in half diaginally to form 8 half-square triangles.

    3. From the gold fabric, cut eight 2 1/2 inch squares. 
        With a pencil, mark a line on the wrong side of the gold fabric from one corner to the other.  (see graphic 3)

    Piecing instructions:

    4. Sew together the black and jewel-tone triangles using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.  You should have eight (8) black/jewel-tone squares. (see graphic 4)   Press open to the dark fabric. 

    5.  Sew together one 2 1/2 inch black square to each black/jewel-tone square.
    Make sure the black square is sewn to the jewel-tone triangle side.  (see graphic 5)  Press to the black square.  Assemble two of these pairs of squares into 4 1/2 inch squares like that in graphic 5.  You should have four.

    6. For each of the four gold/black sections, do the following: 
    Lay one gold square on the left side of one of the black rectangles (right sides together).  Sew on the pencil line, and trim the corner to 1/4 inch from the sewing line.  (see graphic 6)

    7.  Repeat with the right side of the black rectangle.  Press to the gold sides and you will end up with a gold/black rectangle like in graphic 7.

    8.  Attach the black side of the gold/black rectangle to the long edge of a jewel-tone rectangle.  (see graphic 8)

    9.  Finally,  assemble all the 4 1/2 inch squares into three rows as shown in graphic 9, and assemble the rows into a finished block.

    Your completed unfinished block will measure 12 1/2 inches.

12 inches after sewn into a quilt!
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