March 2001’s block was Card Trick

This block measures 10 inches square.  (10½  inches unfinished).  This block uses two 1930's reproduction prints and a white-on-white background.

Instructions:  Use good quality, 100% cotton pre-washed fabrics.  Follow the instructions below for each block.

1. Cut one 4 ¾ inch white-on-white background square; cut both ways on the diagonal to form four triangles.  (see graphic 1)
2. Cut two 4 3/8 inch white-on-white background squares; cut each on the diagonal to form four triangles.  (see graphic 2) 
3. Choose two contrasting 1930's prints.  From each color cut one 4¾ inch square;  cut both ways on the diagonal to form four triangles.  (see graphic 1) 
4. From each color cut two 4 3/8 inch squares; cut each on the diagonal to form four triangles.  (see graphic 2) 

5. Refer to the diagram and sew two triangles of each small print color together to form the center square. 

6. Refer to the diagram and sew the remaining of each small print triangle to a small white triangle along a short edge of the triangles.  Sew these to one of the larger print triangles, as shown in the diagram. 

7. Sew the remaining large print triangles to a white triangle along the long sides to form squares. 

8. Assemble the squares into rows, then into a block as illustrated in the graphic to the left.

Your completed unfinished block will measure 10½ inches. 
Ten inches after sewn into a quilt!

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